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New PIANI show room

11 March 2022

The new brand PIANI by Rigised snc has inaugurated its first show room, created within the company area.

A large and newly restored industrial structure, the oldest among those who make up the company’s establishment, welcomes the visitor in a space of over 500 square meters. It is set up with the dual intent to show the brand’s collections in a complete and accessible exhibition and to provide further service to its customers. In fact, in PIANI’s showroom there’s proof of the manaufacturin quality and materials selection that characterise the brand, entirely made inside the establishment that is within walking distance.

An environment with a bright and essential design, where the customer is assisted by professional staff, happy to present and let discover the models produced by the company, thus providing the opportunity to better learn about the technical features that distinguish PIANI chairs and make them competitive on the international market.

Furthermore, the showroom offers guest a coffee and lounge area, in which you can sit and have a chat or check catalogs, samples and sector magazines.

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